Student Intern Phoebe Kimble-Wilde recently interviewed women students in the faculty to find out a bit about the women engineers at the University, why they chose engineering, what interests them and what they want to do in the future. Here she interviews Biomedical Engineering student Maria Brancato, currently in her 3rd year of her MEng.
"I am the first woman in my family to have gone to do engineering and kind of feel special about it!"
What made you choose this subject? Did anything/anyone inspire you?M.Brancato
I wanted a medical related degree with maths and physics. No one in particular inspired me to choose this career although my family has always wanted someone in the family to be a doctor, which probably made me choose to do biomedical instead of other engineering disciplines.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What qualifications did you take before university?
A level maths, physics and chemistry plus AS level biology.
Why did you choose The University of Sheffield?
It offered the best biomedical degree when I applied. I liked the module choices more than the other universities I had visited and I had the opportunity to study abroad.
What do you like most about The University of Sheffield?
I like how it is close to the city centre and the activities offered by the Student Union.
What do you like most about your course?
I like the mix of different courses, such as mechanical and control engineering with tissue engineering modules.
What is the most challenging part to the course?
Some modules are harder than others due to us not being experts in any engineering discipline but rather an interdisciplinary course.
What do you enjoy doing? Hobbies and Interests?
I am part of the Paper craft, Belly dancing and Medieval Society. I enjoy trying lots of different things!
What do you feel about being a woman in engineering?
I don’t particularly feel any difference compared to if I did a different degree. Our class is equal male and female and we all get along well. I can say that I am the first woman in my family to have gone to do engineering and kind of feel special about it!
What advice would you give to young girls thinking of studying engineering?
If you like science classes and to apply what you learn from them, you should try looking at engineering courses. There are a variety of disciplines to choose from and vast opportunities after graduation.
What are your future plans/goals?
Finish my MEng with a 1st class or high 2:1 then find a job in London.
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