Monday, 14 October 2013

Meet our students: Maria Brancato, 3rd year Bioengineering student

Student Intern Phoebe Kimble-Wilde recently interviewed women students in the faculty to find out a bit about the women engineers at the University, why they chose engineering, what interests them and what they want to do in the future. Here she interviews Biomedical Engineering student Maria Brancato, currently in her 3rd year of her MEng.

Monday, 7 October 2013

The UK should hold engineers in higher esteem

Professor Elena Rodriguez-Falcon, Director of Women in Engineering at the University of Sheffield was recently interviewed by John Yates for Discover magazine.  In this article she shares her thoughts about the perception of engineers in the UK.
  “We have two very big problems. The first is a misunderstanding of what engineering is about, and the role it plays in improving the quality of all our lives. And the second is the perception that engineering is overwhelmingly a male preserve."