Monday, 24 June 2013

Shruti Vasudev, student Bioengineer

BioEngineering student Shruti Vasudev was recently interviewed for the Times of India.  In the article she talks about her experiences at the University of Sheffield and placement at National Instruments.  You can view the Times of India article here: Raising the Bar.

Our own student media Intern, Phoebe Kimble-Wilde spoke to her about why she chose engineering, what interests her most and what she wants to do in the future. She also found out more about Shruti's hobbies and why she likes Sheffield.  

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Women do you know what an engineer does? You should.

Professor Rodriguez-Falcon

Professor Elena Rodriguez-Falcon is the Faculty of Engineering's Director of the Women in Engineering initiative, a post which she has held for the last 15 months. Originally from Mexico, she is a Mechanical Engineer, involved in enterprise and helping to tackle the issues of getting women involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects.